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Services to the Water User

1. Applications


All applications for water are to be in the name of the landowner 9/1/2001. The applicant must agree to all stipulations spelled out in the users agreement. The user’s application is made at the office or can be emailed or mailed but requires to be notarized if not signed in the office.



2. Water Users Agreement


This agreement (see appendix I) sets forth the requirements for users to follow the Rules and Regulations and Bylaws set forth by the District.



3. Readiness to Accept


Before installing a service extension and providing water, the Board may require the applicant to pipe his/her service line and be in readiness to accept the service.



4. Service for Sole Use of the Water User


The standard water service connection is for the sole use of the water user. It does not permit the extension of pipes to transfer water from one property to any other consumer. If any emergency or specific situation should make such an arrangement advisable, it shall be done only on specific written permission of the Board of Directors for the duration of the emergency. No more than one resident shall be served by one water service connection. A farm containing one resident and other buildings for use in the farming operations shall be considered as one resident and the water users may use water from one meter for all such buildings; provide that in the event that a farm contains two or more residences, a meter shall be required for each residence, unless the Board shall find such to be an unusual hardship upon the water user, in which case a special agreement may be made concerning such additional residence, and the rules for a multiple-unit dwelling as set forth in these policies shall be applied to determine the rate for such farm containing two residences.



5. Hardship Agreements


The Board of Directors may enter into a special agreement whereby a right of entry is granted (to the District) to read a meter placed on private property. In addition, arrangements may be made for remotely located residences or remotely located water uses where the location of the meter as provided in these policies would, in the Board’s opinion, cause undue hardship and expense on the water user. Such a special agreement must be written and no water user or applicant for water service shall have any right to force the Board to enter into such a special agreement. Such agreements must be entered into solely at the discretion of the Board. The Board may decide to apply the multiple-unit residence rule stated in these policies.



6. Point of Delivery


Water is supplied to the user’s meter. All piping, connections and installation for water delivery beyond that point is the obligation of the user.



7. Continuity of Service


The District will make all reasonable efforts to supply continuous, uninterrupted service. However, it shall have the right to interrupt service for the purpose of making repairs, connections, extensions, or for other necessary work. Efforts will be made to notify water users whenever possible who may be affected by such interruptions, but the Districts will not accept responsibility for losses, which might occur due to such necessary interruptions. The District does not accept responsibility and shall not be liable for losses, which might occur due to interruptions to service for any cause and does not accept responsibility for losses due to failure of the District to notify any water user of any such interruption.



8. Services from Water Main


The District will install all water service pipes from its mains to the meters on property abutting the right-of-way along which the main is installed insofar as its current financial responsibilities, obligations and conditions will permit, and insofar as adequate water pressure is available at the point of delivery requested by the applicant or water user. The service pipe shall not be less than ¾ inch in size and the District will also install the District’s main connection, meter and meter setting. The meter will be set at the point on the water user’s premises designated by the District. The charge for services to be made by the District shall be that amount specified in these policies, or as otherwise provided by the Board and kept current by resolution, but in no event shall it be less than the cost to the District.



9. Right to Inspect


Representatives of the District shall have the right at all times to enter upon the water user’s premises to read and test meters, inspect piping, and to perform other duties for the maintenance and operation of service, or to remove its meter and equipment upon discontinuance of service.



10. Piping Work to be Inspected


All piping work done in connection with pipe and services connected with the District’s main shall be submitted to the inspection of the District before such underground work is covered up. Whenever the District determines that a job of plumbing is obviously defective, although not in direct violation, the District can still require that it be corrected before the water will be turned on. The Board may prescribe the type of materials and the standard of workmanship to be followed in enforcing this section.



11. Water Requirements for Large Users


Service pipes shall not be connected to the suction side of pumps. The supply for use of a character requiring a large quantity of water within a short period will not be permitted except through intercepting or intermediate storage tanks.



12. Check Valves, Flush Valves and Vacuum Breakers


Water users having boilers or hot water systems connected with lines of the District must have a check valve in the supply pipe to the boilers and hot water heating system, together with a release valve at some point between the check valve and the heating system. All water users should be cautioned against danger of collapse of boilers since it is sometimes necessary to shut off the supply of water without notice, and for this reason, a vacuum valve should be installed in the stream lines to prevent collapse in case the water supply is interrupted. The District, however, will not be responsible for accidents or damages resulting from the imperfect action or failure of said valves.

Flush valve or direct flushing closets should not be installed in premises where the service pipe supplying such premises is connected to a main 2 inches or less in diameter. All flush valves shall be equipped with approved type vacuum breakers.



13. Cross-Connections and Interconnections


The district will not allow to be made any physical connection in its water supply system to that of any other pipe system or equipment, where such other pipe system or equipment in any manner receives all or any part of its supply of water directly or indirectly from wells, streams, or any source other than that of the water system of the District.


No interconnections or cross-connection, as defined below, shall be permitted without Back flow Prevention.
Failure to do so within two days from and after date of notification by the District may result
in discontinuance of water service without further notice.


When used in these Rules and Regulations, the following words and phrases shall have the meaning herein provided:


(1) Cross-Connection: A cross-connection is any pipe, valve or other arrangement
Or device, connecting the pipe lines of the District or facilities directly or indirectly connected therewith to and with pipes or fixtures supplied with water from any source other than the lines of the District directly connected.

(2) Interconnection: A cross-connection is a plumbing arrangement, other than a
cross-connection, by which contamination might be admitted or drawn into the distribution system of the District or into lines connected therewith, which are used for the conveyance of potable water.

Representatives of the District shall have the right during business hours to enter upon the water user’s premises for the purpose of inspection and enforcement of this provision.



14. Applicants Having Excessive Requirements


In the event of an applicant whose water requirements are bound to exceed the District’s ability to supply it from the existing plant without adversely affecting service to other water users to unreasonable extent, the District will not be obligated to render such service, unless and until suitable self-liquidating financing is arranged to cover necessary investment in additional facilities.



15. Customer’s Duty Regarding Service Lines


The water user’s service pipe and all connections and fixtures attached thereto shall be subject to the inspection of the District before and water will be turned on, if the District so elects, and all properties receiving a supply of water and all service pipes, meters and fixtures, including any and all fixtures within any improvements or building on said properties, shall at all reasonable hours be subject to inspection by any duly authorized employee or agent of the District.


All service pipes shall be laid at all points at least thirty-six (36”) inches below the surface of the ground and shall be placed on firm and continuous earth so as to give unyielding and permanent support. The line shall not be laid in sewer ditches and they shall be installed at least 18 inches in a horizontal direction, in undisturbed earth, from any other trench wherein are laid gas pipe, sewer pipe, or for other facility either public or private. Such service line shall not pass through premises other than that to be supplied unless the District shall so agree in writing.


The water user shall, at his own cost and expense, make all changes in the service pipe required or rendered necessary on account of changes in the street grades, relocation of mains, or other causes.


No fixture shall be attached to, or any branch made in, the service pipe between the main of the District and the meter.

Any repairs or maintenance necessary to the service pipe or on any pipe or fixture in or upon the water user’s premises shall be performed by the water user at his sole expense and risk.


The service pipes must be kept and maintained in good condition and free from all leaks, failure to do so the water supply may be disconnected until repaired.


The District shall in no event be liable for any damage done or inconvenience caused by reasons of any break, leak or defect in, or by water escaping from service pipes, or from fixtures on the premises of the owner or water user. The water user shall be billed in the usual manner for the cost of all such water according to the rate schedule of the District as provided for in these Rules and Regulations and Bylaws of the District and by current minute resolution regarding rates.



16. No One But District Employee May Turn Water Off Or On


No one but a District Employee or a person authorized by the District shall turn on water or shut off water from the District meter to any water user or to any property served by any such meter, except in the case of escaping water. When water is turned on an adult person representing the user must be present to assure all valves are closed thereby preventing damage to the user’s property.

18. Water Users Requiring Uninterrupted Supply


The District will endeavor to give reasonable service, but does not guarantee a sufficient or uniform pressure, or an uninterrupted supply of water. Water users are cautioned to provide sufficient storage of water where an absolutely uninterrupted supply must be assured, such as for steam boilers, hot water heating systems, gas engines, etc.


Fixtures or devices taking a supply of water directly from the service pipes, depending upon the hydraulic pressure of the pipe system of the District for supplying same under working pressure, shall do so at the risk of the parties making such attachments. The District will not be responsible for any accidents or damages to which such fixtures or devices are subject.



17. Fire Hydrants


The District will not allow fire hydrants in the District due to the system not being able to handle the volume or pressure. The District is not a Fire Protection District.



18. Fill Stations


The District may provide fill stations at locations requested by the Fire Districts provided the fill stations do not interfere with customer flows and the Fire District pays the cost of the equipment and water. All cost incurred will be paid by the requesting party.



19. Meters


a. Meter Deposits: All new meter sets of said District shall make a service deposit before a meter will be set as set by current Board policy.
b. Meters Furnished by District: Meters will be furnished, installed, owned, inspected, tested and kept in proper operating condition by the District, without cost to the water user, expect that such water user shall pay a connection fee as set forth in these policies, which shall not be refundable. The complete record of test and histories of meters will be kept if deemed necessary by the District. Meter tests will be made according to methods of the American Waterworks Association by the District as often as deemed necessary by the Board.
c. Meter Accuracy: Meters operation within the limits established by the American Waterworks Association specifications shall be considered as being within the allowable limits of accuracy for billing purposes.
d. Meter Location: Meters shall be set in an accessible place except where otherwise directed by the District. Meters outside of buildings shall be placed in meter boxes furnished and installed by the District.

e. Requested Meter Test: Meter test requested by water users shall be performed without cost to the water user if the meter is found to be in excess of the specifications of the American Waterworks Association. Otherwise, the water user for whom the requested test was made will be charged the cost of making the test as established by the District.
f. Water User’s Responsibility: The water user shall be responsible for any damage to the meter installed for his service, for any cause other than normal wear and tear.

Satellite Meters


Satellite Meters are those meters serving two (2) dwellings on the same property. A satellite meter can only be approved if the health of one of the two dwellers is such that the domicile should immediately stand adjunct to the other domicile. Approval must be made by the General Manager following an application submitted with a physician’s recommendation/advisory. Each approval must be re-approved periodically. The primary meter with whom a second party has a satellite will pay entire charge. There shall be no split billing by the District. Two availabilities will be charged to the primary meter.


The board policy will be that it will review and consider the request of such satellite users if the following circumstances are met: If the parties live on the same property and are related by blood or marriage as a family member.


Meter/Recreational Vehicle


If a trailer or mobile home is permanently set in place with utility lines affixed, a meter must be set.

If however, a trailer or recreational vehicle is used for short intervals (weekend or summer use) a meter would not be set and the satellite meter is not applicable



Meter Approvals/Abandoned Meters


The policy of the District is that the cost of setting a meter on land where an easement has been refused by the persons or corporations owning said land will be an additional cost in excess of the basic cost of the meter plus any and all cost of service. This applies only to persons owning the land at the time the easement was refused (4-25-88).


The policy of the District on setting new meters will be meters must be paid for in full when
customers sign up for the meter.


The policy of the District is that meter settings with the exception of those requiring a main extension can be approved by the office, as long as policies of the District are followed and that all meters set during each month be reported to the Board at the next board meeting (6-27-88).


The policy of the Board is that meters be set for schools, civic organizations and churches for
the cost of materials only. Meters shall be set for schools, civic organizations and churches if a direct request is made to the General Manager. Consideration is on an individual basis.


If a meter is set and remains inactive for longer than 12 months it will be considered abandoned, (7-24-95). It is the discretion of the General Manager. The District will try to contact the landowner and ask them if they want to keep the meter setting and if any damage to pay for the repairs or remove the pit. (2-23-09)



20. Water User’s Bills



 Meters will be read by the District each month, and the District will issue bills to water users by the 5th day of the month following the reading.  The time and date (“due date”) by which a water user’s bill must be paid in full is 4:30 p.m. on the 15th day of the month the bill is issued, unless the 15th falls on the weekend or on a holiday in which case the due date is 4:30 p.m. on the immediately preceding weekday. Bills not paid by their due date are delinquent, and shall be subject to a ten percent (10%) late charge.


The District may proceed to disconnect a water user’s water service for nonpayment of a delinquent bill on or after 8 a.m. on the 21st day of the month the bill becomes delinquent, and this policy constitutes notice to such water user of such pending disconnection.  Water service after disconnection for nonpayment of a delinquent bill will be restored only upon the District’s receipt of payment in full of the delinquent bill, late charge, and a $75.00 reconnect fee. The District is not responsible for or liable for any damage resulting to the water user, to any property of the water user, or to the owner of the property occupied by the water user from such disconnection. 


In the event that meters cannot be read at the close of a month because of inclement weather or the condition of the earth around the meters, which in the opinion of the District makes reading unusually difficult, costly or impossible, then the bills issued to water users may be based on an estimate of the water service provided using, at the discretion of the District, the average amount of water used for a similar period. The meter reading and the bill rendered for the month subsequent to the issuance of an estimated bill shall be adjusted to account for the prior month’s estimated usage for which the water user was billed. Estimated bills for a given month may be issued to less than all water users of the District, at the discretion of the District.



21. Discontinuance of Water Service/Reconnect Charges


Upon a water user’s advance written request to the District, the Manager may permit water service to the water user’s property to be discontinued temporarily and without terminating the water user’s agreement with the District, provided (i) the water user has advised the District in writing of the temporary period during which the property will be vacant and no water will be used, and (ii) at the time of the written request, the water user has paid in full all outstanding bills for water service (including any applicable late charges) and (iii) the water user agrees to continue to pay the minimum monthly charge (an “approved temporary vacancy”). Nonetheless, the water user will be charged a $75.00 reconnect fee for restoration of the water user’s water service if the water user used another source of water supply at the property during the approved temporary vacancy. 


If water service to a water user at a property has been discontinued for nonpayment of a delinquent bill, or if at the request of the water user the water user’s agreement has been terminated and water service discontinued, then water service to the water user at that property shall be restored only upon the District’s receipt of payment in full of: (i) all outstanding bills (if any, including applicable service fees and late charges) to the water user for water service at any property, then due or delinquent, (ii) a $75.00 reconnect fee, and (iii) provided no account deposit is then being held for water service to that property, a $100.00 account deposit.


Not withstanding the foregoing, if a water user has never had District water service to any property disconnected for nonpayment of a delinquent bill, then the Manager may, in the Manager’s discretion, grant a one-time waiver of the $75.00 reconnect fee. 


If an applicant for water service has purchased or otherwise acquired property and holds title thereto said applicant shall not be required to pay as a condition of receiving water service any outstanding bills (if any, including applicable service fees and late charges) then due or delinquent for water service previously provided to such property, unless the applicant received the benefit of such water service for which such outstanding bills were rendered (for example, by being an occupant of the property when such water service was previously provided, prior to becoming an owner of the property) or unless the prior owner remains an occupant of such property, but shall be required to pay a $100.00 account deposit. 


It is option of the employee on call whether to reconnect a meter and restore service after 4:40 p.m. during work days to a water user whose water service has been disconnected for nonpayment of a delinquent bill.  Such a water user’s meter will not be reconnected/water service will not be restored on the weekends or Holidays. District employees may not collect any payments in the field and payments necessary to restore water service to a water user whose water service has been disconnected for nonpayment as described above must be made by via one of the payment options described in paragraph 28, below. Customers will need to call 1-877-221-6626 for debit, credit and tele checks, or go to the web site. Payments using cash check or money orders will be accepted at the office or auto withdrawal from checking account.


22. Payment Options


Customer may pay by cash, check, money order, debit or credit card.


If customer pays by debit or credit they will call the current vendor at 1-877-221-6626. This is an automated calling system. The customer will need to know their Thomas Hill PWSD #1 account number when calling for a proper transaction.


The current vendor will take most type of credit, debit or e-checks. Customers will be charged a flat rate convenience fee from the current vendor. The amount being charged will be at the vendor’s discretion. Additional fees could include but not limited to charges for charge-backs (credit cards), credits, non-sufficient check returns and non non-sufficient check returns.


Thomas Hill Public Water Supply District #1 will not be responsible for any transactions or fees being charged to the customer. (01-31-2011)

Except in cases of failure of the water user to pay the bill owed the District for water service (as set forth in these policies) the District will not discontinue the service of any water user for violation of any rule or regulation of the District, without written notice of at least two days unless the safety and sanitation of the water supply is at risk and then no notice needs to be give and disconnection can occur immediately. Notice of disconnection shall normally be mailed to the customer at his address as shown upon the District’s records, or personally delivered to the water user or a member of his household, advising the water user what rule has been violated.


Again, if misrepresentation of use of water is detected, or where the District’s regulation or measuring equipment had been tampered with or where a dangerous condition is found to exist on the water user’s premises, service may be shut off without notice. Service provided under any application, contract or agreement might be discontinued by the District for any of the following reasons:


(1) for willful or indifferent waste of water due to any cause;

(2) for failure to protect from injury or damage the meter and connections, or for failure to protect and maintain the service pipe, or fixtures on the property of the water user (or the property occupied by the water user) in a condition satisfactory to the District;

(3) for molesting or tampering by the water user, or others with the knowledge of the water user, with any meters, connections, service pipe, curb, cock , seal, valve or any other appliance of the District controlling or regulation the water user’s water supply;

(4) for failure to allow any District employee, officer, agent or representative free and reasonable access to the property, or for obstruction their way of ingress to the meter or other appliances controlling or regulating the water user’s water supply, the right to inspect the water user’s premises for any purpose specifically set forth in these policies;

(5) for non-payment of any account for water supplied, for water service, or for meter or service maintenance, or for any other fee or charge accruing under these policies or the rate schedule of the District or the Bylaws of the District;

(6) in case of the premises;

(7) for violation of any rule, regulation or Bylaw of the District;

(8) for any practice or act prohibited by the Missouri Division of Health;

The discontinuance of the supply of water to a property for any reason shall not prevent the District from pursuing any lawful remedy by action at law or otherwise for the collection of monies due from the water user.

Water may not be turned on to any property unless there be at least one adult person therein at such time to see that all water outlets in the premises are closed to prevent damage by escaping water.

Only an employee, officer, or agent of the District may turn on water and all applicants and water users are expressly forbidden to do so.



23. Change of Occupancy


It shall be the water user’s responsibility to anticipate any change of occupancy and pay the balance due to the District. The original water user shall be responsible for payment for services.



24. Sale of Property


When a water user sells property with a set meter, said meter shall remain with property and no money shall be refunded. If customer has a credit balance on their account and the final bill has been paid in full a refund check will be mailed.



25. Customer with Balance and Moving Within the District


Any customer moving from one location to another within the District being landowner or renter must pay the balance due on the account in full or the balance will be transferred to the new account.


If the customer has moved into a rental location and has not paid their previous balance at their previous location the current landowners of the rental property are not held responsible for the balance that was transferred. This balance will be put back onto the original account and a lien will be put on the property.


Any customer with a previous balance and owning more than one location within the District and having a balance on one or more accounts will have the unpaid balance transferred to an active account. If this balance is not paid according to the Disconnection Policy this account will be disconnected and a lien put on the property.



26. Agreements with Governmental and Public Bodies


See Appendix III



27. New Connections


In making a connection to an applicant for water service to the water system of the District, the Board shall charge a fee for said connection and such fee may be adjusted, taking into consideration the average cost for the entire system to each water user, at the discretion of the Board. (03272017)



28. Line Extension


This agreement made and entered into this __________day of ____________ ,202___, by and between Thomas Hill Public Water Supply District #1 of Randolph County Moberly, Missouri, hereinafter referred to as “District”, and, hereinafter referred to as “Customer”.
WHEREAS, District operates a water distribution system and supplies potable water for public use, and
WHEREAS, Customer is located within District boundaries and desires to connect to District’s transmission line and District desires to obtain said connection, and

WHEREAS, the estimated cost to Customer of said connection is $ __________ or more, and

NOW THEREFORE, the parties upon mutual consideration agree as follows:


1. District maybe responsible for up to 400’ of the line extension not including any Directional Boring, after that the Customer will be responsible for the remaining line extension at a cost of $10.00 per foot plus any Directional Boring cost that maybe needed.

2. Upon signing a District WATER USERS AGREEMENT, Customer will pay for said connection and the construction of the extension to District’s system described in Exhibit “A” attached hereto. Exhibit “A” shall consist of the overall plan and estimate of all cost including but not limited to; pipe, fittings, easements, inspection, and engineering fees. District does not reimburse any of the actual meter set.

3. District shall make the necessary arrangements with a contractor. In addition, prior to commencement of work, Customer shall advance all cost of estimate to the District. Upon completion of the work, District shall pay the contractor for work performed. If the estimated cost is insufficient to pay the entire cost, the Customer shall pay to District any deficiency; any funds remaining after paying the Contractor shall be credited to the Customer’s account.

4. Once construction has been completed and the extension approved by District, ownership of the line up to Customers meter shall pass to District. Thereafter, maintenance of said line shall be the responsibility of District. Maintenance of the line from Customer’s meter to Customer’s usage shall be the responsibility of Customer.

5. The terms of this agreement shall not be effective until executed by the Customer and the Board of Directors of District. Also, the Board has right to alter from this agreement at
anytime. (11262023)




The policy of the Thomas Hill Water Supply District No. 1 on running water main in sub-divisions that does not have a designated County Road will be that the sub-division will have at least three meter settings and deposits paid for in advance. The above policy on running line extensions will also apply to sub-divisions. (10262009A)


If the land owner or owners requesting the line extension does not set the meter setting with in one year of the original line extension being laid. The landowner or owners will forfeit the up front cost of the meter setting and deposit to the District and no refund will be given. (07232012)



29. Line Extension Outside Of The Water District Boundaries


All line extensions outside of the District boundaries will need a written release from the District where the property is actually located and a line extension is required. After the release is received by the District, then District engineer will need to submit plans for line extension to Department of Natural Resources for their approval.


Person or persons requesting line extension shall bear all cost including engineer’s cost, labor, material and equipment plus the price of setting the water meter. If line extension requires easements the cost of recording the easements will also be charged to said person or persons. If the county requires any permits then the cost will be charged to the person or persons requiring the line extension.



30. Multiple-Unit Dwellings


In the event that service is desired by an owner of a multiple-unit residence, said multiple-unit residence being defined as a dwelling unit housing more that one family with (definition shall include duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes, apartments, and all similar structures and residences), then the owner shall be required to acquire a water meter for each unit.


The Board of Directors shall be the sole judge and shall have full authority to determine how many units are contained in a residence, and such determination shall be final and binding upon the owner of any such residence.



31. Trailer Courts


In the event that a trailer court, also known as a mobile home court, desires service, and has less then ten trailers the owner shall be required to pay an availability fee for each trailer if hooked to one master meter.


The number of trailers using water during each billing period shall be the number of trailer locations actually served during such times and the Board, its employees, and agents shall determine how many such units are served, and such determination shall be final and binding upon the owner of the trailer court.



32. Rate for Tank Sales


The Board has the exclusive power to authorize tank sales or sales in bulk of water from such supply heads as it may designate at the rates to be determined by the cost of water and the current rates. By resolution, the Board may prohibit the sale of water in bulk to any resident, landowner, or renter of the District whose property is served by a water line.



33. Liability of District


The District shall not in any way or under any circumstances be held liable or responsible to any person or persons for any loss or damage from any excess or deficiency in the pressure, volume, or supply of water due to any cause what-so ever. The District will undertake to use reasonable care and diligence in order to prevent and avoid interruptions and fluctuations in the service, but it cannot and does not guarantee that such will not occur.


The District shall not be held responsible fur any claim made against it by reason of the breaking of any mains or service pipes, or by reason of any interruption of the supply of water caused by machinery or stoppage for necessary repairs. No persons shall be entitled to damages nor have any portion of a payment refunded for any interruptions of service.


The Rules and Regulations may be amended at any regular meeting of the Board or at any special meeting thereof called for such purpose, provided that such amendment must receive not less than three affirmative votes of the members of the Board.



34. Persons stealing water


Anyone caught stealing water: Example, (lock has been removed, jumper, tap found in a setter or the District equipment has been tampered with, etc.) A $1,000.00 dollar fine will be applied to the current landowner to be paid within 30 days of found theft. If lock was removed and meter was in place, all water, reconnection fee, and fine must be paid in full before water is reconnected.


If no meter was in place customer will reconnect the meter paying the monthly availability charge plus water used from now on or the District would completely remove the meter setting, which would require them to pay for installation of a new meter setting when and, if, they should need to have water at the property


If balance isn’t paid within the 30 days, the complete meter setting will be removed.

The $1,000.00 fine will be at the Board discretion. (05242010)



35. Persons reporting District water leaks


Any person that is a customer of the Thomas Hill PWSD #1 reporting a leak on the Districts side will receive a twenty-five dollar ($25.00) credit per leak. Any person not presently a customer of Thomas Hill PWSD #1 will receive a check for twenty-five ($25.00) dollar.

The credit or check will be issued after an employee of the District has inspected where the leak is and has confirmed that it is a leak of the Districts. (05272009)



36. Amendment of Rules and Regulations


These Rules and Regulations may be amended at any regular meeting of the Board or at any special meeting thereof called for such purpose, provided that such amendment receive not less than three affirmative votes of Board members.



37. Emergency Agriculture Connection


Thomas Hill Public Water Supply District No. 1 will currently allow a meter connection
in the District. If the peak demands of the District call for water restrictions you will be the first one to have these restrictions imposed. (Water disconnected) Water usage will be restored after the restrictions have been released. (07272012)

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