We at Thomas Hill Public Water Supply District #1 would like to take this time to welcome you. Below you will find some helpful information about the District.
Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 8:00 to 11:30 and 12:00 to 4:30
Office Number: 660-263-6603
Emergency Number: 660-263-6653 (This number should only be used if you have no water at all)
E-Mail: thwater@mcmsys.com Web Page: thomashillpwsd.com
After furnishing a copy of your recorded General Warranty Deed and signing the Water Users Agreement, the District will drive by and read your water meter. The meter is read the week of the nineteenth each month. If you sign up after the fifteenth of the month you will not be billed until the following month, and billing cards will be mailed out before the first of the following month.
It is very important that you return the large side of the billing card with your payment to ensure proper credit to your account.
All bills are due before the fifteenth of the month. The time and date (“due date”) by which a water user’s bill must be paid in full is 4:30 p.m. on the 15th day of the month the bill is issued, unless the 15th falls on the weekend or on a holiday in which case the due date is 4:30 p.m. on the immediately preceding weekday. Bills not paid by their due date are delinquent, and shall be subject to a ten percent (10%) late charge. (The District does not go by postmarks).
The District may proceed to disconnect a water user’s water service for nonpayment of a delinquent bill on or after 8 a.m. on the 21st day of the month the bill becomes delinquent, and this policy constitutes notice to such water user of such pending disconnection. Water service after disconnection for nonpayment of a delinquent bill will be restored only upon the District’s receipt of payment in full of the delinquent bill, late charge, and a $75.00 reconnect fee. The District is not responsible for or liable for any damage resulting to the water user, to any property of the water user, or to the owner of the property occupied by the water user from such disconnection.
You may mail your payments, pay at the office with cash, check or money order. We offer automatic withdrawal from your checking account at no cost, which comes out of your bank on the tenth of the month (or Friday before, if, falls on the weekend). Payment can be made with credit, debit card and e-check by calling 1-877-221-6626 or at thomashillpwsd.com a fee will be charged. There is a drop box next to the drive-up window for your convenience that is open at all times.
If you should have an insufficient fund check come back you will be notified to pick up the check with cash or money order and pay a twenty ($20.00) service charge. If check is not picked up and made good immediately your meter will be disconnected for non-payment.
If you have any changes to your name, address or phone number please contact the office so we can update our information. If your address has changed you MUST contact the office due to our cards saying Return Service Requested. This means the post office will not forward and they will be returned to the District. In order to save the District money we don’t re-mail your bill, you can call the office and we will give you your balance.
If you are the landowner and have a renter living on the property you as the landowner are responsible for the bill if the renter does not pay. You have the right to call the office and check to see if the account is in good standing. When the renter is ready to move out you the landowner and renter must read the meter together and call the office with the reading, we will give you the balance that is due to the renter. Remember you as the landowner are responsible if the renter does not pay.
If you are selling the property, you will need to notify the office twenty-four hours in advance for a final reading and supply the office with a forwarding address and phone number. The balance will have to paid immediately.
Keep the lid tightly closed on your meter, which is located along the road in your front yard usually. When mowing do not run over the meter as any damage that occurs will be charged to you the customer.
If you have no water before calling the office we would like to have you the customer go out and look at the meter to see if the dial is turning. If it is turning this is a problem on your side and it is your responsibility to repair. If the dial is turning this indicates a leak and you may shut off the valve for repair.
The meter valve is not to be used as an on and off valve for the customer, this could damage the valve and repairs will be made at a cost to you the customer.
Board meetings are the 4th Tuesday of each month at 8:00 A.M. unless otherwise posted. All interested parties are welcome to attend.
Remember you are a valued customer and any problems or complaints you may have we at the office are more than happy to listen and see what we can do to rectify the situation.
Contact Phone #s
(660) 263-6603
8am – 11:30am
12noon – 4:30pm
Sat Closed
(660) 263-6653
(660) 263-1181
(877) 221-6626
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